Wednesday 9 October 2019

Blog: LR

WWW: You made a phenomenal start in Media with achievement points for your first two pieces of work – well done! The way you’ve answered the extension questions in the opening 10-question blog task is just fantastic and equally the fact you are offering fascinating points on representation in Star Wars (and dominant masculinity!) is superb. The challenge now is maintaining that and then aiming for the very top grades – consistently writing in depth and detail will be crucial for this. 

EBI: One minor issue to pick up on – your denotation and connotation homework is incomplete as you haven’t analysed your own choice of advert. Make sure you complete this as soon as possible. As per the advice above, make sure you are writing about the connotations in real detail – discuss the different possible meanings in the texts you study as this awareness of alternative readings will help you reach the top grades.
LR: Complete the denotation and connotation homework. Then, reflect on your first month of Media. What do you feel is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course? How can you improve the depth and detail of your media analysis?

My strongest piece of homework was my star wars poster analysis but my weakest was the denotation connotation and the analysis. one way I can improve is to go into depth with the knowing the meaning and how it effects the audience.

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