1) What political party does the Daily Mirror support?
2) How does the Daily Mirror usually represent rich and powerful people?
The Daily Mirror usually goes against rich and powerful people as they support the labour party and fight for the voices for ordinary people.
3) How are celebrities usually presented in tabloid newspapers like the Daily Mirror? Look at the 'New Bond stars are revealed' story on the front page of the Daily Mirror.
Celebrities are presented to be important in tabloid newspapers
4) How are the royal family presented in the double-page spread 'Kate told Harry to make peace... then they all met up for tea'?
The royal family are presented to be like a 'normal' family. We can use Blumler and Katz theory. We can use personal identity - People like us can identify with the royal family row.
5) Why do you think the Daily Mirror represents the royal family as a 'normal' family? Why might this appeal to Daily Mirror readers?
The royal family are presented as a 'normal' family because the publishers and newspaper editors want to create personal identity with the royal family and the readers.
1) What company owns the Daily Mirror?
Reach PLC
2) What is the Daily Mirror's circulation in 2020? How many papers did the Daily Mirror used to sell back in the 1990s?
1990: 3 Million a day
2020: 450,000 a day
3) Why has the newspaper industry struggled in the last 20 years?
The newspaper industry has struggled in the last 20 years due to the internet. This is because the internet is giving news away for free which made people stop buying newspaper.
4) How has the Daily Mirror reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?
The daily Mirror have put their newspapers online on the internet to increase their circulation.
5) List five of Galtung & Ruge's News Values and explain how they link to the stories in our CSP edition of the Daily Mirror.
Elite nations and people - Half of the front cover of the Daily Mirror is dedicated to the royal family.
Negativity - This newspaper talks about the row between Prince William and Prince Harry.
Balance - The newspaper talks about the new James Bond stars to balance other news.
Immediacy - Happened last year, fairly recant.
Continuity - Already defined as news as it has been on other newspapers, channels and websites.
Grade 8/9 extension task
The Daily Mirror's owner, Reach (then Trinity Mirror) bought control of the Express and Daily Star newspapers in 2018. Read this Guardian feature on the deal. Why did Trinity Mirror buy the papers?
The Trinity Mirror wanted to grow bigger to give it the scale to drive revenues from traditional newspapers and to fight for digital advertising.