Tuesday 15 December 2020

Learner Response

 1) Type up your feedback in full - WWW & EBI. You do not have to write your mark and grade if you don't want to.

Total = 24 = Grade 5

WWW - This is a very solid assessment, up slightly on your last one and with lots of potential to go even higher. Your questions on the clip are very good - 1.2 , 1.3. We now need to hit that level in the 20 mark question to open up the top grades.

EBI - Revise Reception theory a little!

       - Revise industries contexts for Doctor Who and Class. In particular BBC and Public Service                      Broadcasting - remit, ofcom, justifying license fee etc. Also merchandise and selling Doctor                    Who +  Class around the world.

LR - See blog  

2) Write a definition for a preferred reading to make sure you know this terminology. The original blogpost for Reception theory may help with this.

The meaning the producers intend to indicate, also known as the dominant reading

3) Write a list of any narrative theories that you DIDN'T use for your answer to question 1.2. How could you have used these in the Doctor Who clip in the exam? 

Levi - Strauss 

Could have talked about binary opposition. 
 - Good vs Evil
 - Light vs Dark

Could have talked about action and enigma codes.

Entering TARDIS  -Enigma codes - What is it? 
                                                        - Who are they?

4) Write three ways in which a modern audience might respond differently to Doctor Who: An Unearthly Child compared to an audience at the time.


There is a less variety of shots in Doctor Who which makes it less exciting for a modern day audience. 


The sounding is outdated for a modern audience as nowadays they would be able to add in more eerie sound to make a more eerie atmosphere to create elements of space.


The Doctor is a white male which would be an outdated stereotype for a younger audience but in 1960's it would have been normal for them as males were dominant.

5) Write a plan for question 2 in the assessment - the 20-mark essay on Doctor Who as a franchise. Use the mark scheme to help you and aim to plan an introduction, conclusion and at least three detailed paragraphs.

Introduction: The Doctor Who franchise has been very important for the BBC as it has been the longest running TV show and is aimed at a large audience. 


Paragraph 1: Traditionally the Dr was a white older male with a younger female companion which was reinforcing the stereotypes of males being dominant and superior whilst the females were inferior. But there have been changes in society were females are more superior and males were not. This can be seen in Class as April is more powerful as she threatens to kill her dad, etc which subverts stereotypes of women being inferior.

Story lines

Paragraph  2: The Doctor and Susan are strangers to earth and could be danger/threat. During this time there was a danger of Russian spies. The Doctor and Susan could be reflecting the spies.

In Class April has problems and fights with her father. This could relate to a teenage audience as it could reflect the parent child conflict in real life.


Paragraph 3: Shows are now aimed at a smaller audience but spin-offs are made to gain a larger audience. For example Doctor Who and Class.

6) What topics do you need to revise for future Paper 2 exams? List at least three topics, theories or CSPs.

-Reception theory 
-Industry context for Dr Who
-PSB remit, ofcom etc

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