Thursday, 28 January 2021

The Times: Industries and representations


1) What representation of private schools can be found on the main front page story of the Times?     

From the Times, we get a positive representation of private schools as it views education as important. It shows the eliteness of Britain. This compares with how public schools are seen as less elite and negative. Reflect their higher class audiences and their tastes/beliefs.

2) What representation of the Conservative Party can be found in the story at the top of the front page 'Calls for criminal enquiry as top ministers deny security leak'?

The Times represents the Conservative government in a positive way, as it is defending and protecting the Conservative government over the criminal inquiry.  This reinforces that it is a right-wing supporting newspaper aimed towards traditionalists.

3) How are the Royal Family represented in the Times(See front page 'Fitting tribute' - Duchess of Cambridge picture and the inside page 'Royal Anzac Day on both sides of the world').

The Royal family are being represented as reflecting the British culture and traditionalism. This is because there is a photo on the front page of the Duchess of Cambridge wearing a poppy which shows that she is respecting the people who's lives were lost during the war- it's their duty to respect and follow British values. And in the inside page The royal family are going to church services, prayers, military tributes and formal parades. The inside page also focuses on 'Royal Anzac day.'      

4) How does the coverage of the Royal Family in the Times contrast with the reporting of the same events in the Daily Mirror?

In the Daily Mirror, the Royal Family are represented as a 'normal' family as they use their first names and nick names as they are 'normal' people. Whilst in The Times they are represented as they are a family that everyone should look up to and respect and that the family row should be solved. They also call them by their full name or their title which is much more formal than what The Daily Mirror addressed them as. The Royal family is seen as 'British culture' and that culture and tradition needs to be followed.

5) How are British people and Muslims represented in the article and sidebar 'Sri Lanka tourists warned of more terror'?

They warn British tourists about FOREIGN terror attacks who may be in Sri Lanka on a holiday. They misrepresent Muslims and other non-white ethnicities of being extremists and preaching others to do the same. The represent right-wing ideologies and creates a fear of 'the other'.


1) Who owns the Times? Write the name of the company AND the billionaire who owns the company.

Owned by News UK (Subsidiary of News Corporation) and the company is owned by Rupert Murdoch an Australian with many businesses. 

2) What was the The Times's circulation in 2019? How many papers did the Times used to sell back in the 1990s?

Circulation in 2019 was 376,000, down by 12% and sold 800,000 in 1990s

3) How has the Times reacted to the decline in print sales and the growth of the internet?

They have mad an online website for their audience so they can still produce news. They are moving with changing of technology (to reach a wider audience) as well as still providing their traditional newspapers.

4) What does IPSO stand for and what is IPSO's job?

Independent Press Standards Organisation. They regulate the newspapers, listen to complaints, help with unwanted press, advise, provide information and provide a journalists. 

5) Why do some people want stronger regulation of British newspapers? 

Some people want this because of phone-hacking and the regulators not knowing about the newspaper or report.

Grade 8/9 tasks: Will be uploading them soon.

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