Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Coursework: Film website research

 Research: horror film websites

Visit the Come Play horror movie website.

1) How do you know that the film is from the horror genre?

  • Type of font
  • Colour
  • Facial expressions in the pictures and trailer

2) How does the website make the audience want to watch the film?

It has the trailer which shows the important parts of the films but leaves it on a cliffhanger so the audience go to watch the movie.

3) Scroll down to see the whole homepage. What other content does the website offer?

The website offers trailers, behind the scenes, cast and crew, social media, pictures and clips from the film.

Next, visit the Mothers Of Monsters horror movie website.

1) What font/typography and colour is used for the title of the film?

The type of typography used is san-serif and the font looks like a Childs handwriting which say "M.O.M". The colour used is Red which signifies blood, death and horror.

2) Scroll down to see the whole homepage. How is the film described in the 'About' section?

It is  a hybrid film described as a family drama and psychological thriller.

3) Keep scrolling down. What other content does the website offer?

It offers the cast, cast Q & A, behind the scenes, who the cast, crew and company are, a subscription sign up and there social media pages.

  Finally, visit this website for horror movie The Invisible Man

1) What is the main image on The Invisible Man film poster (on the left of the website homepage)?

It is an image of a woman who looks she is suffering from psychological problems. 

2) What is the tagline for the film? (Clue: it starts 'What You Can't See...')

'What You Can't See Can't Hurt You.'

3) How is the story of The Invisible Man described on the site?

It is described with a lot of emotive language. The tagline 'What You Can't See Can't Hurt You.' has traces of psychological harm and oppression. It also makes the audience sympathies with the main protagonist.


Extension Tasks:

1) Research horror film posters - you could start with the low-budget horror films you've already researched above. What do you notice about the photography used?

Dark colours (black and white), close ups of facial expressions to show threat and blood.

2) What iconography can you see that creates connotations of the horror genre?

evil characters-clowns/monsters/dolls etc, shadows, blood dripping and dark lighting.

3) How could you use your phone to create a similar style images for your film website? 

Dark filters and close ups.

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