Tuesday 12 November 2019

Reception theory

1) The preferred reading of media text is  to tell people different things so they can keep up to date with all the news.

2) The opposite reading of a media text is that the media sometimes tell false information about different things.

3) The Harry Brown trailer makes the audience feel that teenagers are violent and disrespectful.

4) But young people will think differently about teenagers being violent as they are either not bad or they might think they are just having fun.

The preferred reading for the McDonald's  Big Mac advert is to show the audience that it is a delicious meal so they can persuade costumers to come and buy one of them so they can make money. They also wrote a text so they can give what the audience better information about it.

The opposite reading would be that it is very unhealthy and it is not vegetarian or halal. Also some people are gluten-free or have other allergies so the Big Mac would not be suitable for these costumers. Its not as good as they say it is and they probably use a fake model so they can make it look nice. 

The negotiated reading is that the burger doesn't look as good as they say and they have made it look nice so they can make people come and buy it.


Image result for adverts"

The preferred reading is that the chicken is pure chicken and not mixed with any other type of meat so they can make it sound nice so the audience buy it. They also write the text so it catches people's eyes so they go and buy it. They also make the writing big and leave a lot of space for it so people can see and it stands out.

The opposite reading is that the meat is processed meat as it is a fast food shop so they would want it to taste nicer. Also they would put different chemicals so it would last longer.

The negotiated reading is that it is not healthy as there is a lot of fat. Also the chicken is mixed with all different chemicals to keep them taste nice, so they don't get rotten for a long time and it is deep fried which is very unhealthy. 

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