Tuesday 10 March 2020

OMO advert

1) What year was the advert produced?


2) How were women represented in most adverts in the 1950s?

In the 1950s women were represented as housewives doing domestic chores, not having a proper job, having to dress and look a certain way Being sexulised and objectified.

3) How does the heading  message ('OMO makes whites bright') and typography promote the product?

   The typography is serif which looks polite and modern. It is large which makes it look visible.
   Its also repeated throughout the text which makes it both funny and annoying.

4) Analyse the mise-en-scene in the advert (CLAMPS): how is costume, make-up and placement of the model used to suggest women's role in society?

The woman in the advert is wearing lots of make up e.g.
lipstick and her hair is neatly combed which shows that they still have to dress and look a certain way even though she is at home. she is smiling at the camera which shows she is happy washing and hanging clothes. This shows the stereotype of how women are meant to stay at home and do domestic work.

5) Why is a picture of the product added to the bottom right of the advert?

   The picture is at the bottom right because it's next to the text (anchorage) which catches the eye of the         viewers.

6) What are the connotations of the chosen colours in this advert?

    The connotations of the colour scheme is that the blue and white are fresh colours so it gives a clean              feeling especially for a cleaning advert.

7) How does the anchorage text use persuasive language to encourage the audience to buy the product? Give examples.

- statistics

8) What representation of women can be found in this OMO advert? Make specific reference to the advert and discuss stereotypes.

The picture of the OMO advert women are presented to be housewives stay at home and do house chores.
They also show women have to dress and look a certain way and are happy to do chores.

9) What is the preferred reading for this advert - what did the producers of the advert want the audience to think in 1955?

That women are happy to stay at home and do house chores.

10) What is the oppositional reading for this advert - how might a modern audience respond to this text and the representation of women here?

That women were forced to do domestic work and be happy whilst doing them. Women were pressured to dress and look a certain way.

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