Monday 11 May 2020

Arctic Monkeys - I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor

1) How do audiences generally watch music videos these days?
Audiences generally use YouTube to watch music videos.

2) What opportunities has the growth of digital technology and YouTube created for new music artists?
It is easier to get famous on apps like YouTube as you can self-promote yourself.

3) What is P2P and why did it cause huge problems for the music industry?
P2P was a sight where people shared music. It was a big problem as music companies didn't make money.

4) Do you think the internet has given audiences more power over who becomes successful in the music industry? Why? 
I think the music industry has given audiences more power as you can easily download and stream songs and movies for free and also you can self-promote yourself on YouTube.

5) How has Fortnite demonstrated the potential future for music videos and promotional opportunities for the music industry? You can read more on this event in this Verge feature.
Audiences where able to watch the show for free and had previously had posters and a Marshmallow skins which gave it the atmosphere of a real concert. 

1) How did the Arctic Monkeys first achieve success and build up their fanbase?
They where a group of friends and wrote their songs based on their lives. They built a huge fanbase by using the app Myspace.
2) Why was P2P file sharing an unexpected aspect to Arctic Monkeys' early success?
Because it gave a feeling of nostalgia to some viewers so they shared it.
3) How does the rise of Arctic Monkeys differ from how One Direction were formed and became famous?
Arctic monkeys where school friends and became famous by self-promoting themselves whilst one direction where formed when they went on X-Factor as separate acts when Simon Cowell so them and put them together to form a band. 
4) How has technological convergence changed the music industry?
It allows many forms of evidence to be used on the same device.
5) Has the internet been a positive or negative development for traditional record companies? Why?
The internet has been both positive and negative as one way is that it gets the word out of new bands but another way is that audiences stream songs for free which is piracy which results in the music companies making a loss in money. 

1) What is the main Arctic Monkeys audience - demographics and psychographics?
The demographics of Arctic Monkeys is White middle class people. The psychographics are Explorers.

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor?

Nostalgia as it gave the atmosphere the 1980s and programs such as Top Of The Pops.

3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to Arctic Monkeys fans. Why did you choose those moments?
The shot at 01:03 when they zoom in on the drummers -it gives the atmosphere of a rock video.
The shot at 01:33 Gives the feeling of a 1980s video.
The shot at 02:33 I chose this as Fans would love. The girls would love it as they think he is god-like
and hero-like. The men would idealise him as they would want to be him so people think they are
Heroes like them.  

4) What is nostalgia and why is it a key audience pleasure for the Arctic Monkeys music video?
Nostalgia is the feeling or affection from the past. This is a key pleasure in the music video as it is set in the 1980s and makes people who where from those times remember their past

5) How are fans positioned to respond to the video? What does the artist want fans to take from their video?
Older fans would have a personal relationship with the artists and younger fans would get a sense of Going to a club and drinking whilst older fans would get a feeling of nostalgia from the 1980s.   

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