Sunday 3 May 2020

One Direction - History


1) How were One Direction formed and how is this reflected in the music video for History?

They were a group of friends who went on x-factor and made it to the top three. It's reflected by showing when they got through the auditions and shows their journey in the music industry.

  2) What is vertical integration? You may need to check your book for this (or remind yourself from this previous blogpost.)

Vertical integration is where one conglomerate owns different companies in the same chain of production.

3) What is horizontal integration? (See link above for help again!)
Horizontal integration is when one company buys other companies at the same level.  

4) How has technological convergence changed the way audiences consume music videos?

It has changed the way audiences consume music videos as it is easier to consume because of new and updated apps like YouTube where you can watch songs for free. Spotify is another way. 

5) As a manufactured band, what influence do Simon Cowell and the record company Syco (part of Sony) have over the content and release strategy of One Direction music videos? You may want to read this text from an article in The Inquisitr about the relationship between 1D and Simon Cowell.

One Direction were distancing away from Simon Cowell and wanted to do their own thing.
They felt like they didn't owe him anything.


1) What is the main One Direction audience - demographics and psychographics?

  • Young people age 13+ 
  • Mainstreamers
  • More girls than boys

2) What audience pleasures are offered by the music video for History?

  • Nostalgia
  • Personal relationships
  • Personal identity
  • Diversion
3) Pick out three particular shots, scenes or moments in the video that would particularly appeal to One Direction fans. Why did you choose those moments? 
  • When they go through to the finals-stepping stone/big break
  • Their concerts-fans.
  • The scene when they look of the balcony and see the massive crowd-fans.
I chose these scenes because they the main parts of their Music life which had the most impact on them.

4) What is nostalgia and why is it a key audience pleasure for the History music video?

Nostalgia: Feeling or affection from the past.
It is a key audience pleasure for the History music video as it makes them feel young and remember their good memories that they have had together.

5) How are fans positioned to respond to the video? What do the producers want One Direction fans to take from the video?

In the video it shows fans crying, which shows it is meant to be sad thing as it is the break up of the band. In the lyrics the say " We can make some more...We can live forever." This means no matter what happens they will always united and there for their fans.

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