Sunday 26 January 2020

January assessment Learner Response


     Total = 12 = Grade 3

WWW - Your 20-mark essay question is well organised into paragraphs and shows good focus on the question. With some improvement in exam technique I'm confident this grade will move higher.

EBI - Revise vertical integration!
       - for questions on texts (e.g. Q3 + Q6) you need to make detailed reference to the texts  -                        particularly examples from CSPs
         - E.g. for Q6 you needed lots of examples of I, Daniel Blake + Doctor Strange's budget, box                office, marketing campaigns etc.
LR - See blog


Q4:0/2 - I need to revise what vertical integration

     Vertical Integration

     For the preferred reading I wrote that the poster suggested that women are strong.
     For the oppositional reading I wrote that women shouldn't be working and are powerless.

        Vertical Integration - It is when one conglomerate owns different companies in the same chain             of production.

 Paragraph 1: Independent films such as I, Daniel Blake aren't as big and well known as Hollywood                          blockbusters.

Paragraph 2:   Hollywood blockbusters spend and make lots of money so they can afford to get big                             movie stars who are well known whereas independent films don't have that much                                 budget to pay big actors.

Paragraph 3: I, Daniel Blake doesn't have a big budget to spend on CGI, green screen and action so                          less people would want to see it. But doctor strange has a big budget to spend on these                          things and they appeal to a wider range of audiences.

Paragraph 4: Doctor strange have an advantage as they already have a wider range of audience as                            Doctor strange is part of the marvel series so they will have more of an audience to                              watch their films, so their box offices will be making millions. But I, Daniel Blake don't                      have that big of an audience less people will go to see that film.  


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